Kamiennogórska SEZ welcomes investors from Japan !

Home \ News \ Kamiennogórska SEZ welcomes investors from Japan !

Kamienna Góra Special Economic Zone for Medium Business invites Japanese investors being interested into investing in Poland to locate the investment within the area of Kamiennogórska SEZ.



Taking into consideration the recently released press news (second half of 2016) concerning new investment plans of Japanese companies within the area of particular Special Economic Zones in Poland, we would like to assure all potentially interested investors that our company offers areas ready for investments in voivodeships: dolnośląskie and wielkopolskie. Kamienna Góra SEZ administrates the area in 15 subzones where locating an investment gives the right to benefit from the public aid in the form of tax exemption. Our subzones are located next to important communication routes; they are characterized by the proximity to the borders of the Czech Republic and Germany.




At this moment 43 investors trusted us and they gained permission to conduct an economic activity at the area of Kamienna Góra SEZ and they have been benefiting from the public aid. Among 43 investors we have two investors which capital historically comes from Japan. After the released press news concerning the new investment plans by well-known and reputable companies from Japan, we would like to attract next, potential investors from Japan willing to invest in Poland, especially at the area of dolnośląskie voivodeship. Kamiennogórska SEZ as an only Special Economic Zone in Poland has got a website translated into Japanese language – it is a sign of respect and approval towards our contemporary and future partners from Japan.