
Home \ Location

Kamienna Góra Special Economic Zone for  Medium Business is located in Lower Silesia (14 Subzones) and Wielkopolska (1 Subzone). This area is characterized  by developed economy in many sectors as well as of  dynamic growth of small and medium-sized  enterprises and a high level of service.

Lower Silesia (the capital – Wroclaw) lies at  the intersection of the following routes: east-west and  north-south. Its western and southern borders  are at the same time borders with Federal  Republic of Germany and the Czech Republic.  Wroclaw is the center of economic, cultural  and academic region.

Wielkopolska (the capital – Poznan) is located  at the crossroads of important European  communication routes. It intersects transport  routes leading from Berlin via Poznan, Konin and Warsow to Moscow and Prague via Wroclaw, Leszno, Poznan towards the Baltic  coast. Poznan airport „Ławica” functions as a  domestic and international airport. Diversified  industry, agriculture, well-developed services  and still developing infrastructure create good  conditions for further development of  Wielkopolska.

Areas of the Zone

Kamienna Góra - Town

wojt-kamiennagora-male kamienna

Kamienna Góra – town in dolnośląskie voivodship, seat of kamiennogórski district and village commune of Kamienna Góra. The city is crossed by the important roads: national 5 (Świecie – Lubawka) and national 367 (Jelenia Góra – Wałbrzych). The town is within the small proximity to Wrocław (about 100 km) and the capital Czech Republic – Prague (about 130 km). The town is attractive to tourists. Here it is being constantly developed the tourism dedicated to sightseeing the objects, buildings, towns as well as military tourism (underground tourist route ARADO), hiking and religious form of tourism. As an industrial area, Kamienna Góra is associated with the following industries: textile, food and machinery. In the town there is also a headquarter of Kamienna Góra Special Economic Zone, by the street Papieża Jana Pawła II 11A.



burmistrz-nowogrodziec nowogrodziec

Nowogrodziec – town in dolnośląskie voivodship, in the bolesławiecki district, seat of the authorities of the village&town commune Nowogrodziec. The town is a local centre for industry, trade and services. Next to nearby village Wykroty there was made a subzone of SSEMP Inc. Nowogrodziec/ Wykroty. Within the distance of 300 m from the border of the SEZ, at the newly built motorway A-4 (Jędrzychowice – Wrocław –east border of the country) there is a junction exit&entry Godzieszów.

Lubań - Town

aslowiński luban

Lubań – town in dolnośląskie voivodship in the lubański district. The town is located about 45 km, north-west from Jelenia Góra and 25 km east from Zgorzelec. Due to the location Lubań is an important trade&tourism hub. Through the town there go important communication routes: national road No 30 towards Zgorzelec (border of Germany) and Jelenia Góra, voivodship road No 357 towards Sulików and Zawidów (border of the Czech Republic) and voivodship road No 393 towards Leśna (border crossing in Miłoszów to the Czech Republic).


zdjęcie-profilowe-burmistrza-2015 piechowice

Piechowice – town in dolnośląskie voivodship, in the jeleniogórski district. The place is situated by the Kamienna river, small river of the Odra basin, tributary of Bóbr and by the small tributary – Mała Kamienna. Piechowice is located at the route of national road No 3 which leads from Jakuszyce to Świnoujście and is Polish part of international route E65 from Malmö to Chania.

Kamienna Góra - Rural Commune

patryk-straus krzeszow

Krzeszów – village in dolnośląskie voivodship, kamiennogórski district, the commune of Kamienna Góra. The attractiveness of commune Kamienna Góra is even higher by the comfortable location by the national road No 371 and there is being planned building the expressway S-3. Local industry is based on mining and processing of raw materials such as dolomite, ceramic clay or amphibolites. There are companies of big economic potential representing automotive and chemical sectors. As a total amount of companies operating within the commune Kamienna Góra there are more than 500 of such.

Janowice Wielkie

Kamil-Kowalski janowice

Janowice Wielkie – village located in dolnośląskie voivodship, in the jeleniogórski district, in the commune Janowice Wielkie. Picturesque valleys full of rivers as well as areas covered by forests are the dreamed targets of the hikers who can also choose to climb neighboring rocks with unique shapes. Janowice Wielkie and Trzcińsko – due to their location at the route of Wrocław-Jelenia Góra are the most popular starting points of the trips to Rudawy Janowickie.

Zgorzelec - City

Burmistrz-Miasta-Zgorzelec-Rafał-Gronicz zgorzelec

Zgorzelec – city by the border of Germany in dolnośląskie voivodship, Polish part of Łużyce Górne, right bank of Nysa Łużycka in the Obniżenie Żytawsko-Zgorzeleckie. Zgorzelec is a seat of village commune of Zgorzelec and zgorzelecki district; it is an important transport hub because of 3 border crossings joining the city with neighboring Görlitz. The city is crossed by the international route E-40 (A-4), which through Bautzen enables the communication with German motorways.

Jelenia Góra

jerzy-luzniak-prezydent-jeleniej-gory jelenia

Jelenia Góra – city which is a seat of jeleniogórski district in the south-west part of Poland in the dolnośląskie voivodship, within the Kotlina Jeleniogórska by the river Bóbr. The city is also a headquarter of the Managing Board of Karkonoski National Park and Polish capital of Euro-region Nysa. Jelenia Góra is located at the crossing of important roads: among them the most important is national road No 3 Świnoujście-Jakuszyce which connects Jelenia Góra with Baltic Sea.


Igor-Bandrowicz prusice

Prusice – town in dolnośląskie voivodship, in the trzebnicki district, seat of village&town commune of Prusice. Local center of retail and service of agricultural region. Nowadays the main functions of the commune are: agriculture and forestry, manufacturing and services are of smaller importance; nevertheless, growing within the recent years.


Robert-Lewandowski zmigrod

Żmigród – town in dolnośląskie voivodship, in the trzebnicki district, seat of village&town commune of Żmigród. The north and the east sides of the commune are covered by forests which take 29% of the total surface; next to forests there are fish ponds as main source of ‘wealth’ of the area. The base of the economy of the commune is primarily agriculture in a broad context, husbandry and forestry.

Ostrów Wielkopolski - City

Zdj¦Öcie_PM ostrow-wielkopolski

Ostrów Wielkopolski – city in wielkopolskie voivodship, by the Wysoczyzna Kaliska, by Ołobok, seat of ostrowski district and village commune Ostrów Wielkopolski. The city is located in the south part of Wielkopolska – one of the biggest and the most economically developed region of Poland. The city is frequently visited by both of the people who want to make business as well as those who look for cultural impressions, emotions connected with sport and simple relax. Ostrów Wielkopolski is an important economic center. In the city there are more than 8 000 companies, 25 banks have here their branches.


ewa-kocemba lubawka

Lubawka – town in dolnośląskie voivodship, in the kamiennogórski district, seat of the authorities of the village&town commune Lubawka, in Brama Lubawska, by the foot of Krucze Mountains (Kamienne) in Sudety Środkowe. Shaped multifunctional character of the town and commune creates the possibility of harmonious development of industry and small craft, agriculture and forestry, housing and services, tourism and recreation. Here found their place of business companies and mills of a production, trade and services character.


burmistrz mirsk

Mirsk – town in dolnośląskie voivodship at the borderland with Łużyce Górne in the lwówecki district (between 1975-1998 jeleniogórski and wrocławski before) seat of commune Mirsk by the river Kwisa. Through the town there goes voivodship road No 361 which crosses the town along Kwisa river. Needless to add, from Mirsk there go local roads towards Brzeziniec, Giebułtów and Rębiszów and 6 km from Mirsk there goes a national road No 30.

Gryfów Śląski

Olgierd-Poniźnik gryfow

Gryfów Śląski – town in dolnośląskie voivodship, in the lwówecki district, seat of village&town commune of Gryfów Śląski. The town is a commune of an agricultural character. In the town, when taking into account economic sphere – it is dominated by industry and industry-related economic activities as well as services- trade and gastronomy, handicrafts and small-scale production.

Bolesławiec - Rural Commune

wojt-boleslawiec-male boleslawiec-gmina-wiejska

The commune of Bolesławiec consists of 29 villages with a population of over 14,000. The area of the commune is occupied almost 50% by forests. The area is rich in natural attractions, it is worth visiting, among others park in Dąbrowa Bolesławiecka, 400-year old oak „Lach” in Trzebień Mały and a cave, which is a remnant of the ice age, or monument to Hussar Nataloszko in Kruszyn.



wojt-lubomierz lubomierz

The Lubomierz commune is covered by a network of roads connecting it with the larger cities of the region. In the area of the commune there are agritourism farms offering accommodation and tasty food. The commune of Lubomierz has many advantages – those are excellent facilities for active tourism and recreation. There are no industries or large factories in the Lubomierz commune; there are one or more family-run family businesses with a service character or small production.




Zawidów is located in the south-western part of dolnośląskie voivodship, in the Zgorzelec district, at the border between Czechia and Germany. It is an important transport hub connecting Poland with European countries. Direct location by international routes is just one of many advantages that encourage you to locate your own business within the town boundaries.


wojt-piensk-male piensk

Pieńsk is a commune in Poland that borders with other countries; western border with Germany is designated by Nysa Łużycka river. A favorable element of the location of the Pieńsk commune is its location in the area of the extended communication node of national and provincial roads. The following communication routes run here: national road No. 4 with a transit value, provincial road No. 353



wojt-kowary-male herb-kowary

Kowary is located in south-east part of Jelenia Góra Valley by the base of Karkonosze and Rudawy Janowickie. The town is characterized by a varied terrain / 420-1280 m above sea level and different climatic conditions. Out of the total of 735 enterprises, the largest number of business entities is grouped in the following sections: trade and repair of motor vehicles, activities related to servicing the real estate market as well as industry and construction.


Lubań - Rural Commune

wojt-luban-male herb-luban-male

The commune of Lubań is located in western part of dolnośląskie voivodeship. The largest share in the number of economic entities in the private sector is: industry and construction, trade, repair of motor vehicles, transport and storage, accommodation and catering, information and communication, and agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing.



wojt-krosnice-male krosnice

Krośnice commune is located in the Milicki district, in the north-eastern part of the dolnośląskie voivodeship. The predominant direction of business activity are: construction services and retail sales. Agriculture is an important activity focused on the cultivation, processing and sale of fruit and vegetables, the production of juices and wines. The commune is connected with Wrocław, Krotoszyn and Jarocin, railway line No. 281, modernized in 2018. In addition, it is located along the provincial road No. 448 of Milicz – Syców, which connects to the national road No. 5 (Milicz) and then the S5 expressway (Wrocław-Poznań) and the S8 expressway (Wrocław – Warsaw).


Nowe Skalmierzyce

wojt-nowe-skalmierzyce-male nowe-skalmierzyce

Good location and modern infrastructure of Nowe Skalmierzyce commune have a positive impact on the offer of self-government aimed at entrepreneurs. The investment zone is located within the administrative boundaries of the village of Ociąż, one of the largest and most dynamically developing villages of the commune. It is located in the close vicinity of the national road No. 25, connecting one of the largest cities in the wielkopolskie voivodeship – Kalisz and Ostrów Wlkp. This area covers an area of about 50 ha and is part of a larger complex, which local government has allocated for business.

Oborniki Śląskie

wojt-obornikislaskie-male oborniki-slaskie

The Oborniki Śląskie commune called the „green lungs” of Wroclaw is a small (about 20,000 municipality) charmingly located at the foot of the Kocich Mountains, it is an oasis of peace and greenery. The city of Oborniki Śląskie attracts people with its calmness connected with highly developed commercial, service and communication facilities. The most important branches of industry are based on food, furniture industry and the wood industry. Investment grounds are very well prepared and ready to receive investors.


wojt-odolanow-male odolanow

A railway line runs to Odolanów in the direction of Wrocław and Ostrów Wlkp. And further along Łódź and Warsaw. The Odolanów station has railway sidings that enable loading and unloading of goods. The distance from Odolanów to the A4 motorway is 90 km. , and to. A2 motorway 100 km. 60 km to the S8 expressway. The distance from Odolanów to the airport in Wrocław is 80 km, while the airport in Poznań is 120 km. The commune lies on the areas of NATURA 2000 (nature protection areas).


wojt-osiecznica-male osiecznica

OsiecznicaThe commune is located in the Bory Dolnośląskie (forest complex), or more precisely, in the western part of the complex, i.e. in the Bolesławiecko-Zgorzelecka Puszcza (wilderness). The Osiecznica commune has a very good road network. From Osiecznica, you can quickly and efficiently get to Wrocław and Berlin (two motorways run through the commune: A4 and A18), as well as to such towns of the region as Świeradów Zdrój, Jelenia Góra, Bolesławiec and Żagań.



wojt-raszkow-male raszkow

Commune and Town of Raszków is a picturesque area located in the south-western part of the wielkopolskie voivodeship. Raszków is a beautiful town in the center of which there is a historic quadrilateral square with a town hall from the 19th century. Numerous greenery, unique, old buildings, friendly small architecture and a fountain create the unique atmosphere of this town. Anyone looking for a break from the hustle of big agglomerations should come here.



Gromadka commune is located in north-east part of bolesławiecki district. The area of the commune is 70% wooded, which is a potential factor for the development of tourism. The commune is an area of industrial and agricultural character with the potential of a modern chemical industry and processing of agricultural production products.


Jeżów Sudecki


Jeżów Sudecki is located in south-east part of dolnośląskie voivodeship. The commune has a very rich history dating back to the early 13th century. The magnificent monuments located in the commune are a testimony to a centuries-old history. If you like an active way of spending your free time, we recommend an expedition to the top of Szybowcowa mountain, at an altitude of 561 m above sea level; there is a landing pad at the top, and its slopes make a paradise for hang-gliders and paragliders.




 Karpacz is one of the most beautiful cities in the Karkonosze Mountains. It is visited mainly due to the picturesque location at the foot of the Karkonosze and their highest peak – Śnieżka. It offers tourists countless opportunities to spend their free time – several dozen kilometers of hiking and walking paths for hiking, excellent conditions for downhill and cross-country skiing, winter and all-year-round toboggan runs, climbing, quads and extreme sports.



In Mysłakowice commune dominate forests, ponds, groves and the most beautiful meadows; here the multinational and multicultural heritage is the pride of the present residents of the commune. In the Mysłakowice commune, situated between the Karkonosze and Rudawy Janowickie, nearby Łomnica, Jedlica and Bóbr rivers, among the hills the castles and palaces wonderfully integrated into nature form unique park and palace complexes creating an extremely valuable historical cultural landscape.




Podgórzyn commune is situated on the border of two mesoregions – natural lands, Karkonosze and Jeleniogórska Valley. The southern part of the commune is occupied by high mountains – Karkonosze. Due to the harsh and changing climate, the peaks are overgrown by alpine vegetation. This area is protected within the Karkonosze National Park (547.3 ha in the commune). Thanks to the gables growing on the low bushes, the views from the peaks are beautiful. The lower, forested mountains north of the peaks are the foothills of Karkonosze.

Stara Kamienica


Stara Kamienica –  From this place, we can admire the panorama of the Izerskie Mountains, the foothills of Izerskie Mountains, the Karkonosze Mountains, the Kaczawskie Mountains and the Jelenia Góra Valley. Tourist trails from Szklarska Poręba lead to the top of mountains. At the area of the Stara Kamienica commune there have been established protection areas covered by NATURA 2000: „Izerskie Mountains”, ” Łąki Gór i Pogórza Izerskiego”.

Szklarska Poręba


Szklarska Poręba – this town is beautifully situated in the valley of the Kamienna river and its tributaries at 440-1471 m above sea level. Szklarska Poręba aspires to become the Mineralogical Capital of Poland, and the mineralogical offer is getting richer every year. There are more than 50 minerals commonly found in the Karkonosze and Izerskie Mountains, and many of them have properties of precious and semi-precious Stones.






 The Marciszów commune is located on the border of the Western and Central Sudety mountains, and partly at the Przedgórze Sudeckie. The commune has a road and railway connection with Jelenia Góra, Wałbrzych and Wrocław. The Bóbr river flows through the commune, and its breakthrough is one of the most picturesque in the Sudety mountains. A large area of forests and a network of tourist routes in the commune provide excellent conditions for an active recreation.



 The commune Olszyna is of an agricultural and industrial character, as evidenced by a large area occupied by agricultural land – 68%. There have been developing tourism and recreation by the Lake Leśniańskie and Złotnickie. By these water reservoirs are located numerous holiday resorts. The commune is dominated by the wood and carpentry industry.



The commune Platerówka is located in Sudety Zachodnie by the foothills of Izerskie mountains. The boundary of the commune of about 1 kilometer coincides with the state border with the Czech Republic – the Frydlant district. The area of the commune is 48 km. The commune consists of 4 towns: Platerówka Przylasek, Włosień and Zalipie.



Zdjęcie-Wójta-Gminy-Siekierczyn-Dariusz-Furdykoń---male siekierczyn

The commune Siekierczyn is located in south-west part of Poland called Pogórze Izerskie. The railway line from Lubań through Zaręba, Siekierczyn towards Zgorzelec, Görlitz and Bogatynia passes through the commune of Siekierczyn. The railway station in Zaręba supports passenger and cargo traffic.








WleńThe picturesque location at the area of 86km2 focuses countless tourist spots. Wleń is one of the oldest towns in Poland; the urban rights were got in 1214. Undoubtedly, one of the largest regional tourist products that the Wleń Commune can offer to visitors are the following: the Wleń Castle, Pilchowicka Dam, Canoe Rafting at the Bóbr river.






BogatyniaLocated in the heart of Europe, the union of „Little Triangle” is a place where three countries meet: Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic. They are joined by a common history of craft and industry development. It is here, at the confluence of the rivers Mandawa and Nysa, that the economic region has been developing since the fall of the Iron Curtain. It is the meeting place of Western and Eastern Europe and combines the investments and advantages of the production of three neighboring countries.








SulikówThe area of the commune is 880,21 ha, of which 3.57% is forest, while the invested area is about 10%. The majority of social infrastructure facilities and objects are located in the center of the village council (Municipal Office of Sulików, Municipal Cultural Center, volunteer fire department, playgrounds, school, churches, bank, trade and other services).




burmistrz-wegliniec-male  wegliniec

Węgliniec commune is located in the western part of the Lower Silesian Voivodship, in the Zgorzelec district. Almost the whole commune is located in Bory Dolnośląskie and only its southern part of the area is located on the border of the Izerskie Foothills. About 82% of the commune’s area consists of forests, mainly pine, which are a real wealth providing raw material for the wood industry, forest fleece processing and hunting economy.




The Cieszków commune is located in the north – eastern part of the Lower Silesia Voivodship, in the Milicki district. The commune of Cieszków is inhabited by approx. 4,800 inhabitants (including ca. 2060 people in Cieszków town itself). The Cieszków commune is covered by 32% of forests. A large part is also meadows and wasteland.






wojt-trzebnica-male  trzebnica

 TrzebnicaThe strategic location of the town in the immediate vicinity of S-5 Wrocław-Poznań express road with nearby 100 ha investment area and the „Trzebnica” communication junction creates very good conditions for business development. Trzebnica is located at the historical intersection of east-west and north-south transport routes. The S-5 expressway handed over at the end of 2017 makes it possible to get from Trzebnica to the „Wrocław” junction in 10 minutes, from where the roads to the motorway and the downtown ring road of Wrocław are divided.



ZawoniaJust 27 km north-east of Wrocław and 9 km from Trzebnica lies Zawonia. The dense network of roads and bus transport makes it easy to reach every village, beautifully situated among forests. Zawonia is mainly forests, which occupy 40% of the commune’s area. The commune’s economy has always focused on agriculture and forestry. However, the dominant, not so good class 5 and 6 lands caused a great interest in this area of the inhabitants of Wrocław. A few hectares of such land located among forests and near fishponds can become a great place for rest and recreation.






Baranów – Geographical and administrative location – at the intersection of four voivodships (wielkopolskie, dolnośląskie, opolskie i łódzkie) favors the development of the furniture industry. There are over 500 such companies, smaller and larger, from family businesses to furniture factories, which makes the Baranów commune an important part of the „Furniture Basin”.





BralinThere is an important communication route through the commune, which is the S8 express road connecting Wrocław, Łódź, Warsaw and Białystok. Convenient communication to large agglomerations and entering the S8 road through the „Bralin node” located in the western part of Bralin create good conditions for social and economic development in the Bralin commune. A distinguishing feature of the Bralin commune is the potential for development space – residential and investment areas.



Burmistrz-male  kepno

The development of Kępno is facilitated by the location at the intersection of two transit road arteries: Warsaw – Łódź – Wrocław (road No. 8) and Poznań – Katowice (road No. 11). This creates good conditions for conducting business in various industries. The picturesque area is distinguished by interesting cultural monuments and numerous natural values. The headquarters of the commune authorities is Kępno, which acts as a regional, multifunctional, municipal-municipal center with a full range of services. It focuses on residential and industrial functions.


Łęka Opatowska


The Łęka Opatowska commune is of an agricultural and industrial character, with particular emphasis on the carpentry and furniture industry. The current dominance of agriculture and forest management resulted from historical legacy (tradition) and environmental conditions. Potential reasons for the development of other areas of the economy include, first of all, the existence of important communication routes: road and rail, and entrepreneurship of residents.




Trzcinica commune is a the one with significant tourist and recreational values. There are interesting architectural monuments, but its main advantage is its extensive forest. In addition, the lack of closeness to large industrial plants polluting the natural environment makes the commune considered as ecologically clean. The section of the national road No. 39 Brzeg – Kępno through Namysłów Trzcinica runs through the commune, 16 km south of Kępno


Ostrów Wielkopolski - Rural Commune


Ostrów WielkopolskiThe commune has an agricultural character, but small industrial, service and commercial plants play an increasing role in economic life. Important national roads and rail routes run through its territory, creating convenient transport connections with major cities: Wrocław, Poznań, Łódź, Katowice, Częstochowa and Kalisz. Important areas for new investments are prepared along important routes.




As much as 45% of the commune Przygodzice is occupied by forests, 17% of the Barycz river valley with meadows and 400 ha of ponds, and only 25% of the area is arable land. Our region is primarily captivating landscapes full of natural peculiarities, valuable architectural monuments, places of national remembrance and objects of religious worship. Unusual and attractive nature (forests, water, numerous specimens of birds – especially water) makes the commune interesting in terms of tourism




The agricultural character of the commune Sieroszewice predisposes it to the development of agricultural production. There are modern farms with a high degree of mechanization and intensification. The business entities running small and medium enterprises are also developing successfully in the commune. Sieroszewice is a modern commune with a developed educational base, a vibrant cultural and sports center, but also with a rich history and traditions.




The Sośnie commune is located in the Barycko – Głogowska Pradolina region in the Odolanowska Basin sub-region, between the Trzebnicki Wał in the south and the Wysoczyzna Kaliska in the northern part, in the south-western part of the wielkopolskie voivodeship in the ostrowski district. The forests of the municipality of Sośnie, occupying about 52% of the commune, belong to the natural-forest district of Wzgórza Dolnośląskie.



Warta Bolesławiecka

wojt-wartaboleslawiecka-male warta-bloeslawiecka

Warta Bolesławiecka commune is located in bolesławiecki district, in the south-west part of dolnośląskie voivodeship. The international railway line E50 and the A4 motorway run through the commune. The commune has an excellent location due to the proximity of Germany and the Czech Republic. The commune is fully watertight, canalised; 100% of roads have an asphalt surface.




  The commune Leśna is located in the south-western part of the Lower Silesia Voivodship, at the foothills of Izerskie mountains, on the Kwisa River. The commune of Leśna is an agricultural area with a significant share of the industrial (Pobiedna) and recreational (Lake Leśniańskie, Lake Złotnickie) functions. The town of Leśna is an industrial and service center of local significance.

Bolesławiec - City


The commune of Bolesławiec consists of 29 villages with a population of over 14,000. The area of the commune is occupied almost 50% by forests. The area is rich in natural attractions, it is worth visiting, among others park in Dąbrowa Bolesławiecka, 400-year old oak „Lach” in Trzebień Mały and a cave, which is a remnant of the ice age, or monument to Hussar Nataloszko in Kruszyn.


Świeradów Zdrój


 Świeradów Zdrój is located in south-west part of dolnośląskie voivodeship at the area of lubański powiat. The commune is app. 150 km from Wrocław – the capital of Lower Silesia. Near the commune there are famous touristic spots of Karkonosze Mountains: Szklarska Poręba and Karpacz. Świeradów Zdrój is app. 50 km from Germany.



 Milicz is located in north-east part of dolnośląskie voivodeship. It borders with wielkopolskie voivodeship. The enormous advantage of the Milicz commune is the natural environment, and in particular the enchanting Barycz Valley. Particularly noteworthy is the fact that 90% of the commune’s area belongs to the Landscape Park Dolina Baryczy (the largest landscape park in Poland).

Wisznia Mała


Wisznia Mała is a commune located in north-east part of dolnośląskie voivodeship. The commune is situated between Widawa river anf the Trzebnickie Hills. The Wisznia Mała commune borders on the south with Wrocław, on the north-west with the Oborniki Śląskie commune, on the north-east with the commune of Długołęka and on the north with Trzebnica. The area of the commune is 10 336 ha, which allows it to be classified as medium-sized commune.





Perzów is located in south part of wielkopolskie voivodeship in kępiński district. In the western part, the commune borders with the Lower Silesia Voivodship, and more precisely with the Syców commune and the Dziadowa Kłoda commune. In the southern part, with the opolskie voivodeship, i.e. with the Namysłów commune. From the north, the commune borders with the commune of Kobyla Góra, located in the Ostrzeszów poviat, in the Greater Poland Voivodeship. On the southern side, it borders with the Bralin commune and the Rychtal commune located in the kępiński district in wielkopolskie voivodeship.





The Rychtal commune is located in wielkopolskie voivodeship. In the Rychtal commune the number of operating business entities is systematically growing. They operate mainly in such sectors as: trade and repair services (72), construction (56), industrial processing (32), agriculture, forestry, hunting and fishing (25) and activities related to culture, entertainment and recreation (19).


Zgorzelec - Rural Commune


The proximity of the markets and supply makes the rural commune of Zgorzelec has favorable conditions for the development of production and agricultural activities, infrastructure related to international transport and tourism. The fact of a border location, including border crossings with the Federal Republic of Germany, well-developed technical, economic and social infrastructure as well as efficient management – all the factors are in favor of the location for a variety of investments.